As I was cleaning out my filing cabinets and desk drawer, I came across my prayer journals from previous years. In addition to prayers, I also include goals and action plans to accomplish these goals. It is something that I take a lot of time to do. As I read through these journals, a realization hit me pretty fast and hard. My goals are the same now as they were 5 years ago. That's right 5 YEARS AGO!
I also noticed a pattern to my "journaling". I would set a goal, and work hard for a little while, then slowly compromise on the action plan and before I knew it, my life was back in chaos! I am pretty disappointed at myself for this, especially because I know that the quality of life that I can provide for my family can be drastically improved if I could just get my act together and meet some of these goals. It makes me sick to think about the time that I have wasted!
That is when I decided that failure and mediocrity is no longer an option. I thought I was doing pretty good, but there really is no excuse to have not accomplished goals that big for that long! My family deserves so much more from me! They do not deserve to have a mommy that is struggling to keep her head above the water. They can be blessed so much more by my discipline and determination.
The saying,
"If you do what you have always will get what you have always gotten" comes to mind. It is time for me to step waaayyy out of my comfort zone and do what I think is best, and not what I am comfortable with. When I journal this time, I am not only going to set realistic goals and an action plan, focus more on how far I have come and not how far I have to go. I will also review my progress and PRAY over these goals daily.
Proverbs 16:3 says, "Committ your actions to the LORD and your plans will succeed". My ambition is to no longer just get through the day, but to prosper in all that I do! Failure and Mediocrity is no longer an option for me or my family!
Here it is...this is what I will be using to track my progress and hold me accountable to meeting my goals for me and my family!